Website Privacy Policy

This website is operated by Fiona Seth-Smith Ltd. Your privacy is extremely important to us and therefore we encourage all users to read this policy very carefully because it contains important information regarding:

  • who we are;

  • how and why I collect, store, use and might in some circumstances share personal information;

  • your rights in relation to your personal information; and

  • how to contact us and the supervisory authorities in the event that you have a complaint.


DR FIONA SETH-SMITH LTD. We collect, use and are responsible for storing certain personal information about you.


Personal information is information which you can be identified from (and does not include any anonymised forms of information).

1. Types of personal information

We may process the following types of personal information in relation to you:

Your email address and your name when you submit a contact enquiry.

You may contact us with further additional information such as: address, Date of Birth, health or personal details, telephone numbers, any services you require and your occupation.


This section describes how the above types of personal information are collected by us. Your personal information will be collected as follows:

1. Source of collection of your personal information

The personal information we shall collect in relation to you will be obtained from the following sources:

only from yourself when you make enquiries about the possibilities of receiving therapy or of me providing teaching and training for you or your service.

2. Changes to the way in which we collect your personal information

In the event that we need to obtain personal information in relation to you from any other source than those described above, we shall notify you of this.


1. General purposes

In general, your personal information will generally be processed for the following purposes:

Legitimate interests for the making of a contract/provision of service to you, in cases that result in the provision of services, we may store information under our legal obligation.


We have described above the purposes for which we may process your personal information. These purposes will at all times be justified by UK data protection law.

1. General lawful bases

The lawful basis upon which we are able to process your personal data are:

(1) where we have your consent to use your data for a specific purpose;

(2) where it is necessary to enter into a legal contract with you or to perform obligations under a legal contract with you;

(3) where it is necessary to enable us to comply with a legal obligation;

(4) where it is necessary to ensure our own legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party (provided that your own interests and rights do not override those interests). Wherever we rely upon this basis, details of the legitimate interests concerned shall be provided to you;

(5) where we need to protect your own vital interests (or the vital interests of another person); and/or

In general, in order to meet the purposes we have described above, we will process your personal information where it is necessary to protect your vital interests, and vital interests of others.


On any occasion where any of your personal information is shared with any third party, we shall only permit them to process such information for our required purposes, under our specific instruction, and not for their own purposes. We are required to enter into a formal legal agreement to enable such sharing to take place.

We do not anticipate that we will need to share your personal information with any third party. We will notify should this position change.


Where information is requested from you and you do not provide this:

If you do not share your email address or contact number with me, it will prevent me from responding to your queries.

We will inform you at the point of collecting any other information from you, whether you are required to provide the information to us.


Your personal information will only be kept for the period of time which is necessary for us to fulfil the above purposes.

We envisage that your personal information shall be retained by us for the following:

For the purpose of responding to your query, within one month.

For the purpose of entering into a contract and/or provision of services with you, for a period of 6 years following the termination of that contract/services.

After the period described above, your information shall be properly deleted or anonymised. Only the information which is necessary for the purpose shall be stored, any personal information that is not necessary shall be deleted.


We will ensure the proper safety and security of your personal information and have measures in place to do so. We will also use technological and organisation measures to keep your information secure. These measures are as follows:

The user account for this website is controlled by Dr Fiona Seth-Smith and all date is stored securely within an encrypted server accessible by password and unique/one time log in codes.

All correspondence with you will or can be if you wish, conducted by Egress an encrypted email platform.

We have proper procedures in place to deal with any data security breaches, which shall be reported and dealt with in accordance with data protection laws and regulations. You shall also be notified of any suspected data breach concerning your personal information.


Our website is not intended for children (anybody under the age of 18). We do not intend to collect data from children.


Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation you have a number of important rights free of charge. In summary, those include rights to:

(1) fair processing of information and transparency over how we use your use personal information;

(2) access to your personal information and to certain other supplementary information that this Privacy Statement is already designed to address;

(3) require us to correct any mistakes in your information which we hold;

(4) require the erasure of personal information concerning you in certain situations;

(5) receive the personal information concerning you which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit this information to a third party in certain situations;

(6) object at any time to processing of personal information concerning you for direct marketing;

(7) object to decisions being taken by automated means which produce legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affect you;

(8) object in certain other situations to our continued processing of your personal information, or ask us to suspend the processing procedure in order for you confirm its assurance or our reasoning for processing it;

(9) object to processing our your personal information where we are doing so in reliance upon a legitimate interest of our own or of a third party and where you wish to raise to an objection to this particular ground;

(10) otherwise restrict our processing of your personal information in certain circumstances;

(11) claim compensation for damages caused by our breach of any data protection laws; and/or

(12) in any circumstance where we rely upon your consent for processing personal information, you may withdraw this consent at any time.

For further information on each of those rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, see the Guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) on your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights please contact our Data Protection Officer: DR FIONA SETH-SMITH. in the following manner:

Via the contact form on my website (insert link)


If you would like this policy in another format (for example: audio, large print, braille) please contact us using the details below.


We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your information.

The UK General Data Protection Regulation also gives you right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. The supervisory authority in the United Kingdom is the Information Commissioner.

We are registered with the ICO to manage data.


This privacy policy was published on 25th August 2023 and last updated on 25th August 2023.

We may change this privacy policy from time to time and will notify you of any changes by:

By a notice next to the 'contact me' page (insert link)


Our Data Protection Officer is DR FIONA SETH-SMITH.

Any requests or questions regarding the use of your personal information should be made to the above named person using the following method:

Via the contact form on my website (insert link)


This policy provides key information to you regarding the processed of your information. For certain areas of our information processing, we have further comprehensive details contained in other documentation. Please submit an enquiry if you would like further information (insert link)