Contact Fiona

To arrange an appointment or to find out more please complete the contact form. Please provide as much information as feels comfortable and I will be in touch shortly.

Please also get in touch to via this contact form to arrange a free telephone consultation to discuss your well being and whether therapy could be helpful to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All of us encounter stress and challenge at different times in our lives. Emotional difficulties and mental health problems are part of life but can also be an opportunity for growth and development. You may never receive a diagnosis from a GP or psychiatrist, but you could benefit from psychotherapy which allows you to understand yourself and get the most out of life by increasing psychological resilience and well-being.

  • It is always daunting to work out which type of therapy/therapist to choose, especially if you don’t know anyone in the field or have never thought of trying therapy before. There are numerous kinds of therapy on offer, including holistic and body-based therapies and different talking therapies. It’s helpful to get a sense of which you are most drawn to. In terms of psychological therapy, if you need assurance as to quality and efficacy, it is important your therapist provides treatment from a robust evidence base. As well as being a qualified Consultant Clinical Psychologist, I am trained and accredited in EMDR, CBT, and Parent Infant Psychotherapy, all of which have strong existing or emerging evidence bases.

    I also hold the title ‘Clinical Psychologist’ which is designated by law and only applies to people who have undertaken at the least 7 years of study. Prior to this, I was an accredited Art Psychotherapist in the NHS and worked with adult inpatients, and with adolescents in Child and Family Services and in Psychotherapy Clinics. I have a broad but integrated base of therapeutic skills.

  • The therapy will involve a series of appointments with me, the number of which will vary depending on what works best for you. The quality of the ‘therapeutic relationship’ is overwhelmingly important when it comes to the efficacy of therapy. For this reason, I offer all potential clients a free 1- 15-minute phone consultation in order to discuss their difficulties and think through together whether it could be helpful for you to commit to undertaking therapy. Initial consultations can be booked above.

  • There is no charge for the introductory Phone Call which is 15 minutes, a call can be booked above.

    Individual Therapy Sessions: Individual Therapy Sessions are a minimum of £130.00. Couples Sessions a minimum of: £150.00.

    Reduced Fees are available dependent on availability and circumstances.

    Sessions should be paid for by Bank Transfer.

  • I welcome babies in your appointments and have baby toys in my consulting rooms. The exception is trauma therapy (EMDR) sessions or those appointments when which you need time and space for yourself.

  • This depends entirely on what is most effective and helpful for you. As few as four sessions can help you resolve difficulties. For some problems longer term support may be more effective. This question can be worked through with me during your initial assessment.

  • Weekly face-to-face appointments take place in central Abergavenny, South Wales. Less frequent consultations and follow ups are available at 85 Wimpole Street, London W1. Otherwise, online sessions are the main way in which we will meet because these offer you the maximum flexibility, especially if you are a woman or parent in the perinatal phase. Online appointments have been found to be equally effective for most psychological therapies, with the exception of parent-infant psychotherapy where it is important for you, your baby, and me to work together.

  • If you would prefer treatment under the NHS, I recommend that you speak to your GP about the options are in your area. If you are in crisis and need emergency help, please dial 999 or visit your local A & E Department. Whether you go down the private or NHS route, I strongly encourage you to speak to your GP about your difficulties.

    In terms of perinatal mental health, there are now excellent NHS Services for women with perinatal mental health difficulties in most areas of the UK. In terms of problems such as depression and anxiety, most NHS primary care psychology services also accept self-referrals; try contacting your local IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) service. Many IAPT Services have different names depending on your locality but they do cover most of the UK. Your GP surgery will be able to signpost you. Most IAPT services are now prioritising treatment for women and their partners in pregnancy and up to twelve months postnatally. As a result, you should not have to wait long for an appointment. I would encourage you to seek out NHS help and if I’m available am happy to help you navigate the system if you are struggling to access suitable support.

  • I am not able to provide emergency support. Please contact your local emergency services if you are having thoughts of ending your life or feel unable to keep yourself and others safe. In addition, I will not be able to respond to emails or telephone calls immediately and do not run an emergency service. I will reply to any communication as soon as I can and will notify you in advance of any periods during which I will be completely unavailable.

  • All clinical notes are kept to the minimum necessary and are stored in a secure cloud data base which more than meets the standards of GDPR and is of direct equivalence to NHS clinical systems. Any paper notes are stored in a locked filing cabinet and will be destroyed when you are discharged from our care. Please let me know if you require any further information or click here for my privacy policy.